Saturday 6 June 2009

Films review cluster

Well I've seen a few movies lately. I saw Star Trek which I really didn't expect to like then ended up really enjoying, I particularly enjoyed John Cho as Mr Sulu and Chekhov's accent. Plus they said "set phasers to STUN" which was amazing. It was a very well done film with a solid cast.
I saw a movie called Il Divo which is Italian and about politics which was quite simply one of the most amazing movies I've ever seen. The plot was a little confusing but thoroughly absorbing and it had THE most arresting visuals ever. Every shot was perfectly staged and looked like a work of art, it was absolutely beautiful. Also it had the most fabulous soundtrack with such a wonderful mix of eclectic, fantastic music.
I saw Angels and Demons which I enjoyed. I thought it was more exciting than Da Vinci Code and was very fast paced and involving. I didn't see it coming at all and I absolutely LOVED Ewan McGregor and Pierfrancesco Favino in it.
I saw Coraline in 3D which was wonderful. I love 3D its so impressive and the film had some real set pieces like the tunnel between the two worlds, the garden scenes, a scene with a spider web and the circus mice which were really breathtaking in 3D. The animation was really well done and the story was very very interesting.
Also on a 'classics day' at my local cinema I saw Bicycle Thieves (Ladri de Bicyclettes) and loved it. It was so charming and you could feel the love that had gone in to making it, they had taken such care with everything. It was a great story even with the sad ending and the child actor in it was an absolute genius. I truly love black and white films and urge and implore everyone out there to take time out to watch old films and appreciate the artistry and craft that they represent.
Spazibo and good night. Ruth

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