Saturday 14 March 2009

Marley and Me

After the emotional trauma of Comic Relief last night, it was probably a bad idea to go and see a weepy film today, but I foolishly decided to do it anyway.
Marley and Me is based on John Grogan's book, about a reporter who buys his wife a puppy to put off having a baby. It then follows their marriage, family and career issues. Marley and Me was hilarious - Jennifer Aniston's best role since Friends, definitely (but I don't agree with people who say that this was her ONLY good role since Friends!) Owen Wilson wasn't bad either, his voice tends to grate on me slightly but it wasn't an issue in this film. But every scene was stolen by the gorgeous Labradors who played Marley. As somebody who owns a Labrador, I could really relate to Marley's behaviour (especially the chewing and general craziness).
I won't spoil the ending for you (although it is quite obvious what is going to happen), but if you have a heart you will weep like you have never wept before.
I haven't read the book, so I can't really make any comparison, but I enjoyed the film from start to finish. Generally if I have read the book, I hate the film on principle, especially if the book is English and they move it to America and put American actors in it, but I digress.
The film can be a little overly sentimental and sickly, especially towards the end, but Marley and his antics more than make up for it, so I would probably rate this 8/10. And I challenge anyone to leave the cinema and not want to head for the nearest dog breeder to buy their very own Marley - he's even more adorable than the Andrex puppy.

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